Healthy Kids Snacks


Healthy Kids Snacks - "Gives a whole fruit, usually tend not to be eaten by toddlers. For that, need to be processed into a variety of foods more attractive, "said Annabel Karmel, author and children's food expert. Annabel share tips, how to provide a snack or a healthy snack for toddlers
 Healthy Kids Snacks
  • Cakes and carbohydrates. Cake is an important part of being an active toddler food moving, as an energy source. They have small stomachs and can not eat enough to meet their energy needs in a day. Thus it is very important incorporate carbohydrates such as rice, wheat or bread in the food. Karbohidarat can satisfy appetite for longer and provide a source of energy.
  • Popsicle. In summer, make fresh fruit popsicles would be a very refreshing snack. Enough mix fresh fruit with fruit juice or yogurt and insert into molds and freeze in the freezer. Sucking on something cold can also reduce gum disease. Can be added pureed watermelon and a little sugar to sweeten if necessary popsicles.
  • Fruit. Giving fruit directly to the toddler, usually tend not to be eaten. For that, need to be processed into a more interesting variety of foods, such as pies, kebabs, puddings, and other. Toddlers will prefer to eat it. 
  • Vegetables. Many children are more easily like raw vegetables. Take some carrots and cucumber or bell pepper slices and serve with a delicious sweet sauce. Mix 2 tablespoons of yogurt, mayonnaise, 2 teaspoons tomato sauce, half a teaspoon of lemon juice and some worcestershire sauce to make thousand island dip. 
  • Avoid empty calorie foods like chips or chocolate biscuits, provide other healthy foods. Better to cut fruit and other healthy foods when children are hungry and do not have time to wait for you make him some food. 
  • Every now and then let the kids draw on makananya own. They love to do it. Put some food ingredients like lettuce, sliced ​​grilled chicken, a little mayonnaise, and tomato slices in a bowl and let the kids fill out and wraps his own fold.
  • Tricks to make sandwiches for toddlers adalam not too much bread or too much in it. Here's a good idea stuffing sandwich to flatten the bread. Try the tuna mix and a little mayonnaise, tomato sauce and sliced ​​scallions. Cream cheese and cucumber or peanut butter with mashed banana is a popular content. For toddlers, cut sandwiches into bite size of the child. To make it more interesting, use mold or animal-shaped pieces of interest.
  • Large pieces of fruit more easily held by kids rather than small pieces. Such as cut melon or mango.
  • If a toddler is teething, he may be down to eat. Put a little oil around the baby's mouth and chin to prevent pain when he chews food. Chill in the fridge for a few pieces of cucumber didigit gum as a pain reliever.
  • You can invite toddlers make simple cakes are easy and healthy. Such as muffins and oat cookies. Let him help in the kitchen, mixing ingredients or print cake.

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